Jadon's Infantile Spasms Story

I created this blog so that our friends and family will be able to follow Jadon as he fights to overcome Infantile Spasms. I also hope that if anyone else is going through this, they will find this site helpful. I have posted a video of what infantile spasms look like, as well as everything we are going through. I hope by posting this I am able to get help for other children who are having these spasms. The earlier this is diagnosed the better. Feel free to leave me comments. I love to hear from you. If you have any questions just email my mommy. She likes to help people in any way she can.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

More good news!!!!

It's officially summer and I am loving every minute of it. I get to spend everyday with my mommy and brother Jacob. We go swimming almost everyday. I love it and its great exercise for me. We are really focusing on getting my right hand to work better this summer. I'm trying really hard but its just not cooperating. The good news is I have a great attitude about it and I always try. I will get it eventually. My mom is also working on potty training me this summer. We are on day 3 and I haven't had an accident in two days. I was able to go to wal mart, master chef, and to Jacob's t-ball game in my big boy undies. I'm really excited about being able to wear my undies and my family is very proud of me. We are hoping by the end of the summer I will be able to go to school fully potty trained. Speaking of school we received a letter in the mail today saying that I was selected to participate in the PreK program at Loranger Elementary. We are very excited about this. I will be in a regular education prek class. Right now I'm learning so much from my peers so we know this is going to be a great thing for me. As always thanks for praying for me. I'm doing fantastic!!! Love, Jadon

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