Jadon's Infantile Spasms Story

I created this blog so that our friends and family will be able to follow Jadon as he fights to overcome Infantile Spasms. I also hope that if anyone else is going through this, they will find this site helpful. I have posted a video of what infantile spasms look like, as well as everything we are going through. I hope by posting this I am able to get help for other children who are having these spasms. The earlier this is diagnosed the better. Feel free to leave me comments. I love to hear from you. If you have any questions just email my mommy. She likes to help people in any way she can.

Monday, July 23, 2012


It's been all great news today. They had to sedate me for my MRI. The nurse read in my chart that I was a hard stick for an IV so they put me to sleep using a mask and then started an IV. Of course I hated the mask but I fell asleep very quickly. It was much better than having to start an IV first. I then went for my MRI and then to recovery. I did great waking up and immediately started eating crackers and drinking. We then went upstairs to see Dr. Sood. He pulled up my MRI on his computer screen to show us. He said everything looked great and that it is very unlikely that I will ever need a shunt because there is no fluid build up. He also said I'm doing very well. He was amazed at my speech and how alert I was. He said that i have great function of my right hand. Of course I was showing off for him. He held out a pen and I reached out and grabbed it and held onto it immediately with my right hand. I also kept saying I walk and was walking all around the room. He said he would see us in January when we come back for our yearly checkup. Thanks for your prayers and I let you know what Dr. Chugani says tomorrow :)

1 comment:

Kelly S said...

Awesome. It's wonderful what doctors learn these days to save family's sanity and family members lives. Thank you Thank you.