Jadon's Infantile Spasms Story

I created this blog so that our friends and family will be able to follow Jadon as he fights to overcome Infantile Spasms. I also hope that if anyone else is going through this, they will find this site helpful. I have posted a video of what infantile spasms look like, as well as everything we are going through. I hope by posting this I am able to get help for other children who are having these spasms. The earlier this is diagnosed the better. Feel free to leave me comments. I love to hear from you. If you have any questions just email my mommy. She likes to help people in any way she can.

Monday, April 11, 2011

The start of week two on steriods.

I slept all night last night. Yes all night!!!! I'm having anywhere
from 40-60 spasms a day. Still way to many:( I'm doing several new
things though. I'm saying ma not mama but ma. Mommy said that's good
enough for her. I'm also saying hey. We were eating at a restaurant
today and someone walked through the door. I immediately said hey. I
leave the y sound off but its still great news that I'm learning new
words. I've definitely perfected da da and bye bye. I say those
several times a day :) If you ask me where is Mickey mouse, I look at
the tv and laugh. I've learned to push myself to the sitting postion
from my tummy. So we really aren't where we want to be with seizure
control but we are very excited about the new things I'm doing. Please
pray that we can get better control. We have cut these spasms in half
with this steriod and look at the new things I'm doing. Mommy says she
can't tell you how frustrating it is to know the potential your child
has and to have to watch the seizure monster take that away. We just
have to be thankful that I'm developing, even if it is slow. We also
have to believe that one day we will get control of these. I'm a
fighter and I will win in the end.
Sent from my iPhoner

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