Jadon's Infantile Spasms Story

I created this blog so that our friends and family will be able to follow Jadon as he fights to overcome Infantile Spasms. I also hope that if anyone else is going through this, they will find this site helpful. I have posted a video of what infantile spasms look like, as well as everything we are going through. I hope by posting this I am able to get help for other children who are having these spasms. The earlier this is diagnosed the better. Feel free to leave me comments. I love to hear from you. If you have any questions just email my mommy. She likes to help people in any way she can.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Hospital Update

Daddy gave mommy a computer so now I can keep you updated. No need to have to mess with trying to update from the phone:) So we got here at 8:30 this morning. It was so nice to not have to drive over 2 hours to get here. Thank you Aunt Rachael and Uncle Michael for letting us stay at your house. They took us right back and started hooking me up. I did really good until about half way through. Then I had just had enough and I started screaming. It took them much longer to hook me up than the previous EEG. Since this is a 24 hour Video EEG they had to glue the leads down and then use a blowdryer to dry them. Well I will just tell you this made me mad. Once I was all ready we walked to our room. I loved walking in the halls and I was talking and smiling at everyone that passed. Once we got to the room I took a nap. Ever since then there have been lots of people in and out. I do like all the attention:) The nurses just love me and I laugh and talk to them. I definitely am showing them what I can do with my seizures. I have had plenty and I mean plenty.And yes everything is on video including everything we say. Kinda crazy to know your being videod 24/7 but we have gotten used to it. The neurologist will be here in the morning to give us some results. My MRI is scheduled for 11:00 in the morning. I don't know if we will get those results before we go home are not. We will find out tomorrow. Either way we should get to come home sometime late tomorrow afternoon as long as I do ok with the anesthetic. Thanks for praying for me and I will update you sometime tomorrow morning.

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