I am on my way home from Children's. Today was a very stressful day but I'm happy now that I'm out of that hospital room. They unhooked me from the VEEG around 9:30. I hated having that cap and leads on my head. When they first hooked me up they said I would probably forget about it. Well I surely didn't forget about it. I scratched and pulled at it until they took it off. I was happy when they finally took it off but I screamed the entire time she took them off. I still have glue in my hair. My mommy washed it for me this afternoon and its almost all gone. They were suppose to come get me for my MRI between 10-11. Well it was 12:00 before we went down to MRI and 12:30 before they took me back. Yes I was starving but mommy and daddy played with me and entertained me. My mommy and daddy were not real happy with this because I could have eaten at 6:30 instead of 4:00am big difference. I did much better coming off the anesthetic this time. I didn't cry and started eating and drinking right away. So now for the results. My MRI is perfectly normal. They can not find anything abnormal. My EEG is showing that all my seizures are coming from the back left of my brain. So we do know there is some type of abnorality with the left side of my brain. It's just not showing up on MRI. As my brain develops we may be able to see it in the future or we may never see it. For some reason my neurons are not communicating correctly on that side of my brain causing some background slowing. The good news is I'm only having one type of seizure and that is myoclonics. These seizures are not causing any damage to the other parts of my brain. In fact the right side of my brain is perfect in every way. I'm also not having as many seizures as we thought. Probably around 40-60 a day. The EEG proved that some of my head dropping is not seizures its just me losing control for a moment. This is all great news. So what do we do next? I have to stay on the clobazam until next week. We are then looking at starting banzel. So we basically have to try another medication. In the meantime we are looking at seeing an epilespy specialist to see if they can find something. We are very grateful for the results we got today, but we are still left with what is causing these seizures and how do we fix it. Oh how we long for the day we can say I'm seizure free. I left you a picture of me smiling and being good for my mommy and daddy :)
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